
1:00 am

12.44AM,I have book marked on page 184 over 345 pages.Forcing myself to back on blogging world and sharing something about life,learn how to write after months I left it.

Yesterday,,I was scrolling my email just to see if there are important email.While I'm scrolling down I saw an email from Malaysian Student's website with the tittle 'things you can do after SPM'.

One of the point is write a diaries or blog.I am the type of person that hate diary. I never have a diary in my life.Maybe because I feel scared people going to read my diary...And than I remember my blog.I think I can take this time to write here again.

  Nothing special happen in my life.It still like before but maybe some story I can write and in the future can read it back....... I can't wait to start over again!!

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